today was a long day. some of us got to site at 8 to get everything ready for the inspection. i know i am going to be so sore tomorrow. we started the morning by taking out the foam and vapor barrier that was in the entrance and shoveling out the gravel. the foam was supposed to be 4 inches below the footing but in that case it was right up level with the top pf the footing. so that was no good. we got the gravel down and the vapor barrier back down and the foam in, then we moved around and measured every door opening to make sure there were no other places that needed to be shoveled down. the atrium needed to be taken down a couple of inches so we worked on that. after all the foam was at the right height, i went around and cleaned up all the plastic pieces from around the inside. we were all done around 10:45 so we sat around and waited for the inspector to get there. he cam around 11:30 and we passed!! woo hoo. after that we all went out to lunch at panera and almost all fell asleep right in our plates, it was sad. while we were eating it started to pour rain so densise called robert and we all went our separate ways and took naps. i got back to the site around 2 and started working with adam from [us]o1. we spent the afternoon making doors for all of the openings so when the slab is poured nothing or no one can get in. we also made a wall to go in the curtain wall opening on the south side. we got the wall installed and will start installing the doors tomorrow.
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