today was one of those discouraging days. i felt like nothing really got accomplished, but in reality we accomplished a lot! i got to site WAY early again today. like 20 mins early. i cant seem to get the timing right from point a to point b in greensboro quite yet. once everyone got there and we got our task list for the day and caroline, megan, and i began tackling the pile of 2x12s that needed to be "de-nailed", sorted, and re-stacked to be used tomorrow to build the clubho[us]e also know as the place to store tools and get out of the weather. it took a little while to get a system for hammering and then prying the nails out but once we did it went pretty smoothly. gabe was a lot of help for the stubborn nails that decided they would rather stay where they were. after about 2 hours michael, josh, and cody relieved us and i went to relieve denise from the pick-axe. hunched over feeling like my right arm might just fall off at the elbow, i pick-axed out the dried dirt from the footings, while renee c. came behind and blew out the rest of the debris. this was super important to get done so that when we set up the ICFs and the concrete is poured, they will bond to the footings. after the grooves were clear and the footings clean i helped move the power cord that was attached to the pump. i felt very un-useful for the rest of the time that people pumped water out of the foundation. we only had 4 shovels and they were all being used. i felt very uncomfortable standing around watching other people work and not having a task of my own to help with. the final task of the day was to throw the ice chunks, which were about an inch thick and various sizes, into the road, so when they melted we would not have to pump out the water again. when this was all done it was only a little past 4 so we got to leave a whole 2 hours early. robert was sure to warm us not to get used to it, or take advantage of it! i didnt, i met friends for coffee.
so even though the tasks that we had to complete today were tedious and felt not exactly design related, i know they were very important and needed to be done, and done well.
tomorrow we get to build the clubho[us]e. that should be fun. not to mention it only gets warmer by the day. today was a beautiful, i hope tomorrow is just as beautiful and warm.