Friday, February 13

day . 20

i woke up late this morning. i blame it on the nyquil that i took last night for my throat. it knocked me out!

i got to site about 9:30 and shortly after me renee w. got there with heart shaped krispy kreme doughnuts! they were motivation. so after 2 doughnuts we got to work on the scaffolding again. we finally got the last bays on the front finished and the 3 bays on either side of the front wall also finished. that was the morning work. we walked to skip's for lunch which was amazing! after lunch robert gave me the task of placing all the vertical rebar. every 2 feet on the 11 course wall, every 3 feet on the 8 course wall, every foot on the 13 course wall and so on. i counted them all and then robert and i calculate how long they would need to be to have a 4 inch bend and sit in the top chair. it felt good to have responsibility and know that robert was counting on me to get it right. once they were all calculated and the ones for the front 11 course wall were ready cody and i started to put them in. it was difficult considering they were 14 feet long. at the end of the day we had all of the front and one of the side walls done!

the 8 hour day flew by today!

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