today it was hot, really hot. it jumped from winter to summer in a few days like north carolina does. we started out the day in chang gang style trying to dig out the trench by hand on the north side of the building. it was interesting. the 10 of us that were there lined up and started to dig. the problem was that the trench was still under about 3 inches of water and the dirt was not dirt but rather slop. everytime i would get a shovel full it was terribly hard to get it out of the trench and would inevitably almost all fall back in. so after about 30 mins of that robert admitted defeat and we deiced to wait until it gets dried out to dig the rest. we then moved to finishing the plywood on the green roof. we got all the plywood done and then started to clean off all the plywood bits, sweep and then blow off all the debris. once it was clean caroline robert and i started waterproofing. we got 2 rows done and it was time to leave. hopefully the second crew of people will get the rest done.
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